Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Home Again

I’m back in DC again tonight. It always feels good to come home, but I do miss Chicago.

 There is something quite charming about the city. It has a great vibe – great food, fun culture, gorgeous location – all mixed with a charming Midwest tang. Our seminar was at held in downtown Chicago and I was one of the few from out of town. And as such, one of the few without that famous Chicago accent which never fails to draw a smile from me. Maybe it’s the demeanor that comes along with the accent. Maybe I’ve watched too many old SNL skits. Either way, I’m predisposed to liking people from around the Great Lakes. The times I’ve visited in the spring and summer have almost (almost) convinced me that the bitter winters couldn’t possibly be a reality. 

I used to travel to and only to Kansas for work and grew resentful towards the whole idea of work travel. But with this company and particularly this year, I’ve been traveling quite a bit and to different cities. I hope this continues. It helps perpetuate my tapas-type approach to life. A nibble here, a nibble there, varying tastes and textures and experiences without gorging myself on any one dish. I can fall in love a hundred times only and retain fond memories of each, hoping to taste of them once again….

Yikes. No wonder I’m not married. ;o)

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