Sunday, March 4, 2012

No Hurry

Yesterday I wrote about not rushing and today I found myself not rushing either. But in a very different way.

I got home last night at midnight and with one thing and another, I didn’t go to bed until three. I knew my day would be starting late, so I made no early plans. Even so, I knew my day would be a busy one.
I had a lot of options today. It was my once-in-a-blue-moon day. All fun and indulgent, but busy. Go to the gym or not. Join my friend at yoga or not. Tea with a friend or no. Grab a bite now or later (or both). Make my 4pm appointment for a massage or cancel it. Make or postpone my mani/pedi date with my best friend. Ask my mom to push back our family dinner or not. These are first world troubles, I know. But usually I would be racing and stressing to get to each or cancel one or more just to have time to breathe. But not today. Today, I coasted.

Unlike yesterday, I wasn’t able to coast due to abundant time. Quite the opposite. I left home a half hour after awoke and aside from a 10 minute shower after the gym, I didn’t return home until 9:30. I did it all. I barely finished one thing before I had to go to the other. However, I didn’t rush. I didn’t stress.  I stayed present, enjoyed what I was doing while I was doing it and connecting with who I was doing it with.  I only made the decision about what to do next and how to approach it only when the time came. 

Though I firmly believe in being present, it’s a hard one for me to remember. I thoroughly enjoyed my day of pampering and connecting with the people I love most. I returned home not exhausted as a day bopping all around town might usually leave me, but thoroughly satisfied and replete. Sure, it helped that there were no high stakes involved, but if positive reinforcement works, today should make it easier in the future. I took care of myself. Not just through indulgent appointments, but through mindfulness, acceptance, and good humor. I hope to make it a daily practice, rather than once-in-a-blue-moon.

And on that note, I think I’ll light some candles, draw a bath and leave my laundry until tomorrow.  

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