Thursday, March 15, 2012

Another One

I was minding my own business, in my booth, talking to prospective customers on the trade show floor. A man came up to talk to me. Nice guy, intelligent, well articulated. He was another exhibitor who lives in San Diego. We had something to bond over. When the show finished up, I passed him still at his booth finishing emails. I invited him to join my coworkers and I for a drink. We had a few, laughed, bonded over Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Anchorman and 90s rap. He’s hilarious, well educated, articulate and geeky in the same way I am. He also reminded me so much of the fun loving attitude I loved in my ex-boyfriend and even looked a little like him. And married. I’m the farthest thing from a homewrecker. Another man delivered to my door who isn’t even Mr. Right Now. This is weird.

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