Thursday, March 22, 2012


So I had been feeling a little angst-y about the whole dating scene. I was meeting guys who were good men in sub-optimal situations. Two that were going through a divorce, one who was a poor artist without a sense of responsibility or consequence, another who lived in the opposite corner of the nation, etc. Just not relationship material for me. Frustrating.

I had dinner with a friend tonight and something became clear. These guys were not romantic relationship material, but what was wrong in developing friendships with them? I’ve treasured male companionship from the time I was young, climbing trees and using sticks for swords. I grew up boys. My favorite movie was Star Wars. My favorite color was gray. I loved to play with Leggos and G.I. Joe action figures. Growing up, I learned that guys will tell you what they think of you to your face. Far easier to deal with then the cattiness of teenage girls. These days, I love my girl friends but I am sometimes in easier company with my male ones. Since moving to DC, I have far fewer than I had in Atlanta, so why not cultivate some more? 

 I know that some people – mostly men -- have strong opinions about the “friend-zone”. I know these guys might not want me as their friend if they can’t date me. But I do know I have a good chance with at least two of them. So where’s the harm in having someone to geek out about Batman or go see a hockey game, with? Why not make the most of these great yet greatly unsuitable men?

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