Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Almost Single

I had another date tonight. Nice guy. Tall, funny, solid guy. And married. He, like the other one I was dating, is still technically married though in the process of getting a divorce. However, this one has a ten month old daughter and is still living with his wife until they can sell the house. It’s a long story, and I believe him that they are getting divorced. But I was a little incredulous that someone who just made this decision in September almost immediately started dating. 

I’ve had two long term relationships and have taken breaks between each. I needed that time to get right with myself and reflect on who I was coming out of this relationship. I also needed time to let my emotions settle. Allow the relationship’s residue and the deep connection I felt to ebb away with time. Not to say that I was a hermit. I went out with friends and with guys, but I wasn’t looking to fill the void. That wouldn’t be fair.

I know guys are different and I know better than to judge but I have to laugh that I’ve met two guys in very similar predicaments within a month of each other, not to mention the other handful of inappropriate gentleman that have been cropping up. I certainly haven’t been looking for semi-available guys. Again, it makes me wonder what I’m putting out into the universe that this gets delivered to my door. I have to believe that if I can attract this, then I can also attract available, wonderful, attractive, solid, men who I have great chemistry with. Or even just one man.
This guy and I talked a lot and I think we’ll hang out again. But as friends. He needs one and I can never have enough cool people in my life.

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