Thursday, March 8, 2012

Taste of Spring

I bundled up and went outside this morning to walk my dog and felt strange. I didn’t need my coat. No, it went past not needing it. I was warm. I looked up into the sky and the sun shone down upon me and all was good with the world. My spine straightened, my gait broadened and my steps were lighter. 

I had the windows open all day and a cool (but not cold) breeze has been circulating. My dog sunbathed by the window and I had some happy music playing as I worked on my couch. Not that I was that productive. Luckily, an appointment cross town had me in my car early in the afternoon and I had the windows down and the sun roof open for the first time in six months. 

The air reminds me that spring is almost upon us. Full of life, full of promise. Long walks, bike rides, meals eaten on patios with friends, drinks on rooftops watching the sun set. Weekend trips to the beach. Farmers markets. Less clothes and more sun. I just can’t wait. 

Even as I sit here typing, I can feel the wind picking up and the air is chillier. It’s supposed to rain tonight and be cool for at least the next few days. But I don’t care. I’ve gotten a taste of what’s to come. Maybe I can wait.

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