Monday, March 26, 2012


I’ve been away during the last couple of work weeks and as such, I haven’t been able to go to yoga or to synchronized swimming during the week as I usually do. Even the weekends, in fact, have been a little slower pace than I’m used to. Last weekend, I found myself creaky during Saturday morning yoga and I was sure my body was chastising me for not moving more during the work week. Likewise that Sunday, I seemed decidedly off kilter during dance class. Coordination was more than a little challenging. So it was with a little trepidation that I went into yoga this Saturday. However, my experience couldn’t been more different. I don’t know if it was lack of sleep or something else, but my brain blissfully turned off and my body just moved. It felt like butter. Rather than think discouraging thoughts at my body, I was able to listen to it and it flourished under the attention. Today during dance, I had less awkward experience, as well. I wasn’t able to shut off my brain as much as I had in yoga, but I found myself listening to the music more and when I allowed that as my point of focus, my movements were less self conscious and more fluid. Most importantly, I had fun. 

I think I benefited from throwing myself out of routine during the week. Although not exactly injured, I feel like my body healed with the slower pace and I found the pleasure, again. This week it’s back to my regularly scheduled program, but it’s good to know that there’s something to be said for switching it up, every once in awhile.

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