Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It’s About Forgiveness

We all have our challenges in life. It can be very hard to view them with equanimity while we’re going through them. Just like water can carve shapes into rocks over time, so are we shaped by that which wears against us. A broken bone goes through a re-calicification process as it mends, making it stronger along the break. When we break, our healing process has the potential to make us stronger. Our difficulties can expose raw nerves, but how we mend can make us better people.

It’s one thing to go through a life circumstance such as illness or loss and see it as part of our journey, but it somehow becomes more difficult when we think of people who harm us. True forgiveness can be one of the hardest things to do. To let go of the pain and hurt which have carved groves in our hearts and allow the mending to begin. To allow ourselves to be wiser, stronger, more compassionate. And to thank our aggressors for the opportunity.

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