Sunday, March 11, 2012

That Day

Yesterday was one of those days. I didn’t sleep at all Friday night, only managing to conk out about an hour before my morning yoga class. I woke up an hour later. Class had already started. Some people would roll over and go back to sleep, but I was determined to get my yoga fix that morning. There was a class in about 30 minutes. Not with my favorite instructor, but it would have to do. I could make it. I jumped out of bed and that’s how my day started. It never really stopped until near midnight.

The yoga teacher was a guy who was notorious for making you work. And work we did. Surprisingly, even after next to no sleep, I held up pretty well. I walked out of class feeling accomplished. I decided to go home, have breakfast and maybe take a nap. Not to be. My mom called saying that my father needed help with some chores around their house. My parents ask for so very little, I figured they were worth my nap’s delay. I grabbed a bite and headed over. I climbed up ladders and swept and cleaned for a bit, sat and chatted for a few before hopping into my car to grab my much needed nap. Not to be. One of my good friends is going through a divorce. She called, sounding awful, saying she needed a ride. I picked her up and was dismayed to see she had lost even more weight since the last time I saw her. I bought her food and tried to encourage her to eat while we talked before dropping her at the metro. Checked the clock and no time for a nap. I ran home to get ready before heading out for dinner with my girls. I went a couple of stops to meet a friend so we could head into the city together, but the metro line was down. We went back to my station, hopped in my car. Better to drive than wait for the busses. Seems like everyone had the same idea. We were a half hour late to meet my other two friends, but luckily they had a table for us. We had just sat down when we were told that the computers were down and they were only accepting cash. One by one we left to go to the ATM.

Dinner was wonderful. We ate, we drank, we laughed and we thoroughly enjoyed each others’ company. The day’s antics and my sleep deprivation slipped away as my friends shared their energy with me. I realized that though it had been one of those days, it hadn’t really gotten to me. Normally, I would have felt exhausted and mildly resentful. Definitely grumpy. But this time was different. It made me feel rather good to be there for my family and my friends, regardless of how tired I was. I just enjoyed the moment, letting what I had planned slip away and accepting what was. Not bad. 

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