Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I’m sitting in a hotel in Orlando. I arrived this evening and I have yet to see Mickey Mouse. Actually, the likelihood of my actually encountering him is pretty slim, despite being a cow pasture away from Disney HQ. Even so, being here takes me back to princesses and castles. Chivalry and swords. Talking animals, fairy godmothers and true love born by glass slippers. Back to before I wondered what happened the day after The End. 

But never the wasp-ish waisted singing princess was I. I was a tomboy and wanted to ride the horse, don the armor, wield the sword and defy the witch.  Much more fun and exciting than cleaning some remote house in the woods. And much easier to find my prince. Though I do now wonder if maybe we’ve just been running in circles trying to find each other amongst the trees. Hm.

In any case, though I’m in my hotel room, trying to work, I do feel a little caught up in a fairy tale. There’s a boat in my hotel and supposed alligators in the moat. I got lost today trying to find my room because I wasn’t sure what side of the fort it was on. So, I’m allowing myself to get caught up in it as much as I can while on a work trip. Who knows what I’ll dream of tonight.

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