Monday, March 19, 2012


I’m in another hotel room tonight. This time, in Chicago. The Windy City isn’t windy at all. The weather here is just as gorgeous as in DC. I sat in the back of a cab coming into the city and enjoyed the sparkling blue waters of the lake. It always amazes me that it is, indeed, a closed body of water. My childhood never prepared me for lakes so large you couldn’t see the other side. It wasn’t until my first trip to Chicago, many years ago, that I learned otherwise. 

People were everywhere. Jogging, biking, sunning. Simply celebrating the warmth and sunshine. Chicago isn’t a pleasant city in the winter and I could understand why its denizens would pop out of their hibernation with such gusto when given the chance, even on a Monday evening. I wished I had gotten here earlier in the day to enjoy it with them. I can’t think of anything nicer to have done today than to sit by the water, sun on my shoulders, watching the world go by. 

As it was, I checked in and went for a walk. By this time the sun had set, but people were still out and about. I honestly didn’t have any place to go. I just wanted to soak in the energy and the city. It was rewarding on both counts. Chicago in the spring is a beautiful thing.

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