Friday, September 7, 2012

Thyroid on the Fence

Over the past few years, I’ve been having symptom associated with hypothyroidism. Fatigue and slow digestion among others. I had my thyroid tested, but my doctor said it looked normal. It wasn’t until I went to my gynecologist and then my acupuncturist that it was recommended that I do further tests. They revealed that while my levels aren’t exactly clinical, they are definitely borderline.
I’m going to the endocrinologist in a couple of weeks, but I’ve been thinking and feeling a lot about this, lately. Hypothyroidism is treatable with medication. There is no certainty that they will advise me to take medication but if they do, it is life long and not to be taken lightly. On the one hand the thought of taking something to help these often troubling symptoms seems like a dream. On the other hand, swallowing a pill every day isn’t exactly a happy notion to me.  Then there are the list side effects and the anecdotal commentary I’ve been reading (Google: friend or foe?), the length of both make we wonder exactly if this medication will help anything.

I could go the natural route. My acupuncturist is building my blood Qi and has me on Chinese herbs. She also suggested I supplement with iodine. Acupuncture has helped me dramatically with insomnia, so I’m a believer, but I do know that it can only do so much. Will it be enough to alleviate my symptoms enough for me to be ok without medication? I’m also not sure I buy into the excessive iodine supplementation as I’m pretty sure it is the cause of some aches and irritability I’ve experienced over the past week. It’s hard to know with such things, and that makes me a little nervous. 

I haven’t come to any conclusions on what I want to do about all of this and I’m sure the endo will do another set of blood tests and have their own opinion, but I’m going to continue to educate my mind with research and to pay attention to what my body is telling me. Right now both are in agreement. I’m exhausted.

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