Friday, September 14, 2012

Two Types of Friends

There are some friends that take a lot of work. They need constant attention and tending to and get hurt at the smallest of what they see as slights on your part. Unless you are on your death bed, you better not even think of changing plans with them.  These are not the ones to call when you are feeling cranky or selfish or down. It’s not that they won’t listen to you. They’ll listen. For awhile. Then tell you about everything their going through. Say you broke up with a boy the night before. This type of friend will share the juiciest detail about her most recent beau for your hearing pleasure. Not because they are cruel, but they don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to hear them prattle on for a half hour about their romantic successes at that particular moment. You’ll never hear the end of it. Some might say that these aren’t friends at all. But the world isn’t black and white and neither are people. These friends may be in your circle because of a variety of redeeming traits that allow you to put up with the heavy lifting their friendship requires. 

But then there are the friends that are a delight to be around. They are the ones you can call up at the last minute to make or change plans based on how you both feel. You haven’t talked in a month because life got away from your (again) but within minutes you are giggling like school girls. They show genuine interest in your life, just as you do in theirs. You both get excited for them just as you would for your own self. These are the friends that you decide to go last minute Saturday morning day trip with on a Friday night. So what if it’ll take you three hours there and back? You can’t wait for the chance to chat in the car. 

Like most people, I have both types of friends in my life. I bought tickets three months ago to see one of my favorite bands this coming week with my attention-heavy friend. And I have to be honest and admit I’m not looking forward to it nearly as much as my impromptu day trip to the beach tomorrow with my easier friend. But, I do value them both and the former does help me to appreciate the latter all the more.

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