Monday, December 5, 2011

Songs about Rainbows

I went to see new Muppets movie on Saturday.

I got into The Muppets in college. It was my freshman year and I was pretty stressed and overwhelmed with the whole experience. Much to my annoyance, my roommate decided to play the original movie while I was studying one day. I was pretty passive aggressive in those days, so while the intro credits rolled, I did a lot of sighing and rolling of eyes, but I didn’t say a word. As the movie progressed, I continued not to say a word, but the reasons were different. I was entranced and delighted. I didn’t get much studying done that night, but I did watch all three of the movies she had. Over the next year, I must have watched each of those movies at least once every two weeks. Better than comfort food. 

Years passed and though I remembered them fondly, The Muppets passed from my general awareness. Until this past year when announcements around the movie came out and the acclaimed reviews. It wasn’t just a Muppets movie, it was a GOOD Muppets movie. Excitement. I couldn’t wait to see it.
This movie was made for just such a Muppet fan as me. One who remembered them from a younger age but who perhaps had forgotten her sheer love for the furry creatures, the songs, the jokes, and the delight. It was also the perfect timing. There seems to have been a cloud hanging over my friends and relations and myself this past month. So many people I know had a hard November. But it wasn’t just us or just November. It hasn’t been easy for a lot of the world. There’s a reason why I stay away from the news, these days, preferring to nibble at its edges just to stay informed rather than delving deep into the details. What better time for a movie with such sumptuous nostalgia and genuine heart than The Muppets?

No, it didn’t change my life. But, I left the theater feeling like a kid again. I believed in life a little more. In people a little more. In goodness, that much more.  The Muppets left us with songs and our heads, laughter in our hearts and broad grins on our faces. Priceless to The Lovers, The Dreamers and Me.

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