Thursday, December 8, 2011


I’m doing a cleanse for the first time in my life. I eat fairly healthy as it is, but a few teachers at my yoga studio were doing this and I impulsively said I was in. It’s not too restrictive, just very natural. Even so, this is rather unusual for me as I don’t really believe in the need for cleanses or detoxes and I hate following rules of any kind, except my own. Especially about food.

So why do this at all? For the same reason I moved two miles from my last apartment, started wearing gold jewelry, took a writing class, started eating at my breakfast nook instead of my couch, tried a new yoga teacher and a new studio, bought leg warmers, and went to a social mixer on a school night. We all have big events or changes in our life. But between those times, we can get in ruts. We get comfortable with the same old thing. We have a tendency to roll into the groove at the center of the bed. 

My groove means spending more time alone, eating the same food, working from home, wearing my comfy pants and sweatshirt and my glasses all day, sticking to the elliptical at the gym and my bi-weekly yoga class. Such is my tendency towards it that the same old thing can make life seem a little small when it goes on for too long. It’s not that I enjoy it as much as there is great comfort in it. Drastic changes are almost easier to manage than the small shifts that can expand our daily routine. They are often overlooked as a “why bother”? Yet often, these small changes can lead into larger ones. Or just change the energy around you. So, I try to make changes, however small, whenever I feel like I’ve been in the same place a little too long.  There may be negative thinking beforehand, they are almost always for the best.

And so, I’m on this cleanse. I’ve already modified what I’ve been prescribed (again with being told what to do), but within the “rules” but it’s the break in routine and putting goodness into my body that I’m focusing on.  

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