Monday, October 22, 2012

Yoga Unity

It was a gorgeous day yesterday, in the nation’s capital. I was lucky enough to be in front of the Lincoln Memorial, doing yoga in the sun. 

DC can be an intense place to be before an election. Yoga Votes sponsored a two hour program in the spirit of unifying us all as people, regardless of political affiliation. I’m not overly politically minded, but I can definitely get behind universal solidarity. 

There were five teachers from local studios that guided our practice, each with their own unique style. But they kept bringing us back to the same message of unity. Honoring our back body for what came before us. Our heart for what stood ahead of us. And our side body that joined us to one another in the lateral plane. To emphasize this, we joined hands. I took my friend’s hand in my left and looked to my right and found a five-year-old boy looking up at me. He smiled up at me, gave me his hand and as we raised our joined hands skyward, my heart broke open.

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