Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pole Progression

It felt good to get back on the pole, tonight. We didn’t have class last week and I didn’t realize how much I missed it. Tonight, our class was full and there was an interesting mix. Ladies who were new to Intermediate, some who were seasoned and one who definitely should be in Advanced. I love classes like this. I feel we all learn from and get inspired by each other as much as the instructor.

Tonight we were working through some rather frustrating progressions -- Caterpillar and Shoulder Mounts. We were discussing ab strength when one of the girls laughed and said, “Yeah, something I don’t have.” I pointed out that she couldn’t have gotten this far if she didn’t have a great deal of abdominal strength. Maybe not enough for what we were doing, but she obviously had a lot if she was pulling up into inversions.

This was easy for me to point out to her because it’s something I think a lot about. There are times when I get discouraged because I can’t do this pose in yoga or that trick in pole. But if I look back on my progression over even the past six months, I can see so much growth. I’ve been fairly consistent and I keep trying. Some things come easily, some things not so much. But I’m working on it. This is what is true. And this is what I remind myself when I feel like nothing is working.
We are on a journey and as far as we go, as good as we get, there will always be the next thing. This is what keeps life interesting.

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