Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mind Games

I do cardio at the gym in the morning. It helps me wake up, but it’s not the most exciting thing in the world. I try to distract myself by watching TV, but time still passes slowly. Very slowly. A  few weeks ago, I decided to try something else. Wearing my personal training hat, I could call it “interval training.” Instead, I like to think of it as “game playing.”

This is nothing new. Work out at a regular level for five minutes then spike the intensity up for 30 seconds to a minute. These short bursts of concerted effort pump up your heart rate and have been shown to have a good effect on your physical being. But for me, it serves a more important function. It keeps me from getting bored. My mind is focused on counting down during my regular interval then pushing hard when it increases. It has little time to whine or complain or drift off. 

I took this to the pool, as well. Swim four laps, sprint for one. But I also added another element. The lap after my interval I focused on my kicking. After the next interval, my arm stroke. This not only helps occupy my mind, but also keeps me in my body. I notice the tightening of my legs as the work through the water, the sensation of my arm slicing through the surface. My body moving forcefully forward. 

Working out in this way has given me a new appreciation for the hard work my body on my behalf. I feel powerful and strong. And, to be honest, it’s just more fun.

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