Thursday, October 25, 2012


We often have themes our yoga classes. We are encouraged in the beginning of class to keep something in mind while we flow. It may be an intention, our breath or perhaps an idea. Like finding the strength in each posture. Maybe the grace. Or perhaps the sense of play. It serves as a focus, a mental drishti, bringing us back to awareness, back to the present moment. 

I found this practice helpful in other areas of my life. It helps me, she of the mental gymnastics, tame my mind and keep me in my body.

When I’m walking my dog, I’ll focus on breathing. Not my breath, but breathing the fresh air. I try to identify the various smells in my neighborhood. Have they just cut the grass, is it lunch time at the new deli, how does the earth smell after the rain? When I’m shopping, I’ll focus on my fingertips. How smooth is this apple, how cold is the refrigerator case, what does this box feel like? I often like to pay attention to my feet as I’m walking just to see how they are doing. Are they hot, tired, or happy? Or my stomach while I’m eating. How is it reacting to what I’m feeding it?

It might be something I’ve experienced a hundred times before, but I try to bring a new curiosity. In doing so, I find subtleties I’ve never noticed before. By being present, I often pick up on other nuances, I may never have noticed before. A flash of a smile from a stranger. A kid singing a nursery rhyme to his mom. A black squirrel running up a tree. 

I wish I could say I do this all the time. As it is, I may do it once or twice a day. When I’m anxious, I do it more often. It takes a more effort, but settles me like little else.

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