Wednesday, October 17, 2012

We Can

I heard this song in yoga, tonight. It spoke to me on several levels and I wanted to share. Namaste.
We Can by Jesse Ruben
A lot of people doubted me 
They laughed in my face 
Said there ain't no way 
I would finish that race 
But I kept my head down 
And laced up my shoes 

I ran a marathon, 
When no on thought I could 
I didn't always want to 
But I said that I would 
Then I learned alot about what I can do 

It doesn't matter if they don't believe 
It doesn't matter if they do not understand 
Cause every dream that Im trying to achieve 
I can, I can, I can 
I can, I can, I can 

So make a list and do not make it brief 
Write down every single wish 
and every little thing that you want 
Don't sell yourself short 
Don't ever hesitate if people turn you down 
Do not settle, do not wait, don't ever turn around 
Cause you're almost there, I swear 
I swear it's yours 

And all that matters is that there's no regrets 
It doesn't matter if they do not understand 
Cause everything you want you haven't gotten yet 
You can, you can, you can 
You can, you can, you can 

Right now on this planet there are things that we can fix 
There are people going hungry, alot of them are kids 
And it's so unfair 
They're scared and all alone 
Wars are being fought over land and over God 
And we need a different plan, 
Cause I think that we've forgot 
That we're all the same 
We're just love and blood and bones 

It doesn't matter if they think we're wrong 
It doesn't matter if they do not understand 
Cause every obstacle we need to overcome. 
We can, we can, we can 
We can, we can, we can 
We can, we can, we can 
We can, we can, we can 
We can, we can, we can. 

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