Monday, January 30, 2012

Just Another Learning Experience

I had another dance class on Sunday. Just as the previous week went so well, this week went so badly. I showed up a little late, but was still winded half way through the warm up. I tried the moves, the same moves I had done the week before, but they failed me. I tried to clear my mind and move without thinking, which had worked the week before. Not this time. I then tried to analyze and break it down. Nada. 
I wasn’t the only one having problems that day and we talked about it. There were no expectations. We weren’t there to judge ourselves. We weren’t there to compete. We were there to have fun. I realized that I would be having fun if I could get out of my own way. The thing most in need of a workout wasn’t my body, but my big, flabby ego. Seeing this improved my mood and I was able to laugh at myself a little. 

The fact is, we aren’t the same from day to day. We are constantly shifting beings. Our bodies, our moods, our minds. Slight shifts internally or externally may seem imperceptible to us but may make all the difference. What works for us today may not serve us tomorrow. I can take my dance class as just another reminder to listen and honor the present moment instead of deciding what it should be.

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