Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Post India Blahs

I got back from India a couple of days ago and, as usual after I return, I’m feeling a little down.
While in India, I was constantly on the go trying to experience as much as I could in the short time I had. After two weeks of constant activity and bustle, it would be understandable that coming back to my daily life might seem a bit lacking. Even so, my current feeling has more to do with the “who” than the “what.” There, I was surrounded by family during most of my waking hours. To someone who values her Me Time, this might seem intrusive. But it wasn’t. It was lovely. 

This definitely has something to do with being on vacation and more open than I would be should I have to contend with it during my regular daily life. It also has to do with the warmth and loved that was showered upon me by all my relations. They are the most amazing, giving and accepting people. Not all of them speak English very well and I’m not that adept at Tamil, but it’s true that love is universal. 

I went to India with my parents and brother. I live about 10 miles away from them here in the US and we usually see each other about once a week. Yet, though they got under my skin quite a few times, we also grew closer through our travel. We visited the village where my dad was born and he opened up with stories of his childhood and the difficulties they faced. I went to my mom’s home town and spent time in the house where she grew up in. I listened and watched as their faces grew younger around their siblings. 

There is so much I have to process and say about my trip, but best I take it in small bites. More fodder for posts to come.

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