Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pole Growth

Yesterday, after two weeks off, I was back on the pole. I have some talented women in my class and I was watching with a little amazement (and a little envy) as one of them executed a move I haven’t the slightest comprehension on how to pull off. I understand the mechanics and I know I theoretically have the strength, but my body doesn’t want to believe it can actually do it. So, I just lay on the floor after doing whatever I could manage and looked on with appreciation.

Later in class, we were working on shoulder mounts. This was something I had tried a year or so ago when I was just flirting with pole and nearly landed on my head. It was a different story this time and now it’s not all that challenging for me. I pulled up on the pole and found the woman I had been admiring looking at me. “How do you DO that?” asked she, wearing what I imagine was much the same expression I had earlier in the class. 

We all have our challenges and blind spots. We also have those things that come easier to us than others. I know a woman who can do the splits as easy as walking, but finds handstands impossible. I love Superman but an Inside Leg Hang makes me squeamish. It helps me to remember this to keep me humble but also to give me hope. I’ve learned to put a lot of time and effort towards my challenges because they offer the greatest reward when, eventually, I’m able to achieve them. Not for the sake of achieving them, but for knowing I’ve grown.

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