Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pole Growth

Yesterday, after two weeks off, I was back on the pole. I have some talented women in my class and I was watching with a little amazement (and a little envy) as one of them executed a move I haven’t the slightest comprehension on how to pull off. I understand the mechanics and I know I theoretically have the strength, but my body doesn’t want to believe it can actually do it. So, I just lay on the floor after doing whatever I could manage and looked on with appreciation.

Later in class, we were working on shoulder mounts. This was something I had tried a year or so ago when I was just flirting with pole and nearly landed on my head. It was a different story this time and now it’s not all that challenging for me. I pulled up on the pole and found the woman I had been admiring looking at me. “How do you DO that?” asked she, wearing what I imagine was much the same expression I had earlier in the class. 

We all have our challenges and blind spots. We also have those things that come easier to us than others. I know a woman who can do the splits as easy as walking, but finds handstands impossible. I love Superman but an Inside Leg Hang makes me squeamish. It helps me to remember this to keep me humble but also to give me hope. I’ve learned to put a lot of time and effort towards my challenges because they offer the greatest reward when, eventually, I’m able to achieve them. Not for the sake of achieving them, but for knowing I’ve grown.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Soundtrack

In the movie of our life, our thoughts are the soundtrack. 

When we are watching a scary movie, it’s the music that makes us fearful of what might be around the bend. It lets us know that our anticipation should be rising. In a drama we are told when something is sad or sweet or moving. Soundtracks set themes and add nuance. They tell us how we should feel or react in any given situation. The same is true of our mind.

If we live each day in fear. Worrying about what might happen, what might go wrong. If we constantly think about getting hurt or being rejected our feelings will follow suit. Our muscles will be tense and we’ll be sensitive to the slightest provocation that might arise. We will find hurt or spend our lives trying to construct a bubble around us to protect us from the world. We spend our lives waiting for bad things to happen because we are listening to our thoughts. 

We all have fearful thoughts. But we can choose whether or not to believe them. We can choose to change the soundtrack of our movie. If we focus on living from a place of love. To be open, regardless of our fear. If we choose to see the light in situations, instead of the shadow. If we accept that we are not in control of tomorrow and that might be a very good thing. If we allow our hearts to lead our mind. In this way, our thoughts will change, our soundtrack will change, the tune of lives will change. 

These are just some thoughts inspired by revisiting this fun clip, earlier today. The Shining Spoof.