Friday, May 25, 2012

Ego Trippin'

I have a few of friends who are going through a rough time. They are deeply unhappy and have required a lot of nurturing on my part. Being there for them has caused me to examine my own behavior, as well. Particularly when it comes to advice.

When my loved ones are going through a hard time, I know from years of experience that sometimes the best thing for them is just to be there. Listen to them. Be the cup for their tears. Allow them to lean on me as they work through their own problems. Yet, I find myself opening my mouth and offering advice. It comes from a mostly altruistic place within me. One that wants to help alleviate their suffering. Make the pain go away. I say mostly, because I’m well aware that my ego is also involved somewhere in the mix. I know what’s best, I can fix them, they’ll see me as a wise woman and like me more, etc. I try to be mindful and speak in terms of my life experiences and I never use the word “should.” But am I being condescending in some way? I wonder.

This really came to light when I got frustrated with the heartbroken friend for looking outside herself for happiness. This is a woman who fails to accept that the reason why she’s so unhappy is that she doesn’t find herself worthy. She gets into relationships with unavailable guys and wonders why they don’t accept, love and stay with her. She completes a program or a class and wonders why she feels so empty after it’s over. She constantly says and thinks “When I get X, I’ll have arrived.” But she never arrives. Because it’s all an illusion. 

I tried to point this out to her for the millionth time and it was like slamming my forehead into a familiar brick wall. I got angry and had to cease my conversation with her. Why couldn’t she SEE what she was doing? She asked me why this keeps happening to her, I told her why, but she would not accept my opinion. 

Ah, there’s the ego getting tangled up in the best of intentions. I have some need to be right. Do I believe if she sees my point of view her suffering will lessen? Yes. But it’s also about me and my need to be right and for her to acknowledge my advice. In my desire to help, I’ve been tripping all over my own ego. Time to focus on being receptive and let them own their pain.